IP Address Lookup

IP Address Lookup

To find the owner of an IP address so they can contact them

IP address lookup is the process of determining the physical address corresponding to an internet protocol address. There are many reasons why someone might do an IP lookup. Common reasons for this include:

  1. To find the physical location of a computer or device connected to a network so they can contact them

  2. To find the owner of an IP address so they can contact them

  3. To determine whether it is appropriate to send email or other data to that IP address

  4. To determine whether it is appropriate to visit a website at that IP address

For law enforcement purposes, such as finding out who was using an IP Address during illegal activity. One would also use an IP lookup tool for other purposes such as locating people on social media networks.


The WHOIS service is a protocol of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and is used to extract information about a domain name or an IP address.

This address lookup tool helps you find out the owner of a domain name or an IP address.



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